Everything that happens is supposed to happen.

I have stepped right up to the line of the abyss several times and wondered what lays beyond the veil. But each of these times are now in the rear view mirror and shit turned out OK. I’m still here.

The sentiment of the title addresses determinism. it assumes that shit is “Supposed” to happen. The alternative is to assume that things happen at random and that the big sandwich that is life and death is up for grabs. I have often reminded Ms Chicapee of a saying or rather a “sentiment” I once heard. It was attributed to the Upanishads and went something like: Whatever you believe is true”. I rather like this uber-theology. Peter will be standing at the pearly gates for those who believe in that sort of thing, and others will be greeted by virgins. Surely there is some middle ground. Like….Peter lets you in heaven and their are brothels.

Well brothers and sisters, I might soon find out, so make sure you are on our mailing list to make sure I can let you know I arrived OK. I once made the remark that on my bucket list, was surviving every cancer. Butt cancer, Balls cancer, liver, pancreas, what ever. Bring it bitch and I will knock you down. This is of course a rather tongue and cheek remark to make, but it was made after I kicked cancer’s ass twice. So yea, I didn’t really mean it.

Apparently, the universe and the powers that respond within it can react in a spontaneous way with no takesee backsees. So round 3 is coming up. Still at the biopsy stage but it looks like lung cancer come knock knock knockin’.

Having been on the merry-go-round twice before I know the best thing I can do is take my foot off the brake and the accelerator and let the motherfucker coast. Once they put you on the Merry-go-round you will be on the ride for the duration and the result is always completely binary. Either you get off, or you don’t. Kind ‘a blows that “Everything that happens is supposed to happen” out a window I think.

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