If you think you can’t

You can’t. Conversely of course if you think that you can well…you got it. Sometimes items from this list also appear on your bucket list and we stare at them as our own lights dim a great space left in the bookshelf of your mind where your book was supposed to rest. Yes, I’m guessing that “Write a Novel” is on that list for many of us from a relatively early age. Or, I might be full of shit. Anyway, it’s been on my bucket list for a long time. A few months ago I pooped one out.

I’m not at all sure where Rube came from. I just kinda gave birth to him. It started with my fascination for the great American Inventor Rube Goldberg. I read everything I could find (I’m just trying to impress you, I didn’t have to look that hard.) Then I set it in South Central LA. I grew up in the inner city for a while so I had a feel for it. I added a hero named “Danny” a 10 year old kid that didn’t age. He will always be 10. That’s the mystery of it.

Since I am not a bonafied writer I broke everything in the “how to write a novel workbook which on some hands treated me kindly and other times I’m sure will make you cringe a bit. This is where I enlisted the skills of a bonafied writer and age old friend to be my editor. Susie you know who you are. I actually knew she wanted to produce an audio version of one of her novels and I was only too pleased to collaborate.

If you are one of the 9 people who subscribe to my blog, keep your eyes open for the release date on Amazon where you will be able to purchase the paperback, the Kindle version and an ebook version in the next few weeks. Remember every purchase goes to provide me with a six pack of coke and a moon pie.

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