Gone with the wind

Just made it back from the doctor. Today was an interesting day – we’ll call it the “shoot, shit or get off the pot” day.

Probably by way of explanation I should bring my readers up to speed as to the desire to bring my blog current. For the next few months (should I last that long) I hope to be blogging every day. Dying is perhaps the most profound event in our lives so it seems fitting that I try and document the days, weeks and months that I have left. They will prove interesting emotionally, intellectually and physically. And I will try as always to squeeze a little humor out of the event. If anyone can get a laugh over dying it is your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Things existentially are rolling downhill fast. We have decided to forgo additional treatment and focus on quality of life – which basically means keeping my pain in check. Many of the drugs I am taking are quite pleasant. If I were in my 30’s it would feel like a Willy Wonka experience. I definitely have the magic ticket. The first 2 that provide a pleasant ride are the Fentanyl and the OxyContin. These are drugs that provide a most pleasant recreational experience while providing actual palliative care at the same time. Viva la barbiturates I always say. So my medication regimen is being radically reduced to comfort care rather than cancer treatment. Fewer pills-good. Lovely opioid buzz also good.

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