Hay Ma Look, I’m dyin’. nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

And it must be just that easy right? I’m not that guy who has jumped into the research on death and dying. I figure I have just enough time to ponder that shit before I hang up my spurs altogether. So I resolve to blog from a position of going for the laugh rather than the pathos. When you think about it, dying can be some funny shit. I mean it’s pretty fun so far. Do you have to be a masochist? No, but it helps.

I do have a fondness for the drugs being offered, especially those with hallucinagenic properties. They are really helping me get in touch with myself. Especially my inner chick. If you’ll excuse me while I go bake some zucchini bread.

I confess to be lying about any actual zucchini products.

I have a friend Teresa who can force a zucchini bread into being by the force of her mind. I am still quite an amateur. Teresa, you know who you are.

The high-end hallucinations are available at pool-side. You do have to be willing to lick a toad though. The first time I encountered one of these bathemouth toads he was stuffed into the filter basket head first and quite dead, emitting his love juice for all the neighborhood both small and tall alike. One lick they tell me and I would have been in the company of a very nasty dude.

So for this morning’s sprinkling of rational words, all seems pretty swell with the world. Feel free to get comfortable for the rest of your day.

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