
When my dad committed suicide, it was after an attack on my mom. The only gun he had was his anesthetic machine at work, so that’s where he went and that’s the trigger he pulled. 40 years later and I am confronted again. Not with my own suicide, but with an old friend who’s marriage broke up and he has been hanging by a thread since then. Dave and I knew each other because we worked together for a couple years 40 years ago. When he made contact with me or visa versa he had a gun on his lap. This was months ago. He moved from Michigan to Mesa AZ a few months ago with the woman he had an affair with these 40 years ago. Right now, Deb is on her way to pick up Mary. Dave wants to drive out to the desert and murder himself. I feel as helpless now as I did when I was in my 20’s and my dad died.

I don’t have a plan. I sit here and wait for Deb to pick up Mary and wonder if Dave might in his madness take all three. So the question becomes, do I wait for Deb and more information or do I take some other action. Or, do I simply let nature take its course.

Deb just called. Mary is there but Dave has already gone. There is no way to track or trace him. There is no waiting game. There is no one to call, no agency to engage. It is 8:50am on Wednesday January 18th, 2023 and an old friend is on a short drive.

9:27a I think Deb has transported Mary to our rental. She and Val are no doubt trying to support her and develop a plan. Val was able to contact Dave, who said he has no intention of doing himself harm. Maybe it’s me, but driving around with a .45 semi-auto on the seat next to you makes me wonder about the variables and potentials. He didn’t take off just to see the sunrise.


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