Category: Uncategorized

  • Adulterated

    I live in the desert now and it is an odd landscape. Moon-like in places, but expansive and vast and barren in others. We went driving this afternoon with all the weekend recreators. They towed their boats and their trailers with all the mobile fun apparatus you can imagine. Hundreds. Thousands of them driving to…

  • The Alchemy of Mookies

    Reading this title blind and trying to make any sense out of it is impossible. I mean, alchemy I can define, but what the fuck is a Mookie? My imagination strains to see some hominid swinging through the branches. “Hay Look! it’s a mookie!” a fabled creature? or something else? I must confess that I…

  • Life in Real Time

    Life in real time is inside-out.It’s always waiting and waiting.Like finding a left sock in the drawerAnd pulling it right-side out. The socksits in the drawer longing to be made right.We sit at our screens in our underwearLonging to be made right. We confuse time with potential.And so we waste time.Still longing to be pulled…

  • Chernobyl

    HBO produced a miniseries on the Chernobyl disaster and I just finished watching it. I am sure that most viewers sat back with a reasoned approach and considered this historical artifact as something that happened long ago. Something that is now more lore than history. I have an image of 30′ somethings sitting on their…

  • Everything that happens is supposed to happen.

    I have stepped right up to the line of the abyss several times and wondered what lays beyond the veil. But each of these times are now in the rear view mirror and shit turned out OK. I’m still here. The sentiment of the title addresses determinism. it assumes that shit is “Supposed” to happen.…

  • You can’t fix stupid.

    Just like Forest Gump said: “Stupid is as stupid does”. A few months ago I put a sticky on my virtual desktop that said: “It’s easy to appreciate gifted, it’s tough to appreciate stupid”. It was written hastily while on a tirade over one thing or another. You see, gifted people are subject to tirades.…

  • The Life of a Towel

    Everything wears out. I think that is the law of entropy or some shit. More years ago than I care to remember. More years ago than I can actually remember, I ran away from home. It was all part of my exodus from Maryland and then my singular diaspora back to California when my shit…

  • Everywhere you go, there you are.

    Consider for a moment the possibility that everywhere you go, you aren’t. This is not something that you can really wrap your mind around, especially if it is your mind that is bending your reality. And yet it happens to millions of us each day. It can creep up on you, or can hit you…

  • The Town of Relevance

    It’s like some weird last gasp of the dying ego. This is magnified by my own uncertainty about my state of mental well being. In my mind I have convinced myself that there is an expiration date approaching quickly, so I gotta jam my foot on the gas to get to relevance. It’s like a…

  • Splinters

    My little blog is the place I go to remove splinters. As I am learning about (and refusing) to be a person with a disability; I find myself struggling with the tiniest things. Tiny little splinters. My daily golfing buddy and I play almost every day. This morning when I arrived on the first tee,…