Category: Uncategorized

  • Alchemy – Changing Dain Bramage into Comedy

    The other day was a good day. I sat out front and watched a rainstorm and pondered. It had been a while since I had pondered, so initially I was concerned that I had forgotten how; but the skill quickly returned. And part of pondering is imagining. For me, when I ponder, I ponder the…

  • Flowers for Algernon

    Yes, that book that every English teacher on the planet makes you read in high school. I’m not sure what made me want to read it again but it kept popping into my consciousness, little sign posts; references to the book on the internet that just happen to catch my eye. When I was 17…

  • HOA

    While the uninformed may think of an HOA as a Homeowners Association, in fact they are an artifact of the Peloponnesian wars between Athens and Greece in 431 B.C.E. The acronym actually stands for Heuretics (discovery) of Assholes. Anyone that has lived in a community governed my an HOA understands that you are living in…

  • I’ll have the combo plate please

    Ever slam your finger in a drawer? Aside from this being a very painful thing to do, it leaves you with clear evidence of the injury. Oh, look… slammed your finger in a drawer! Jeez, that’s gotta hurt. But what if at that very same moment, when you slammed the drawer, a huge piece of…

  • Notes for a shrink to be named later

    Chicapee brought to my attention that in the past she has been asked to write down all the traumatic events in her life chronologically. She thought it might be a good head-start for me to start working on a similar project, and while my memory is shit right now, I thought I would rewind the…

  • Rage against the dying of the light

    One of the more interesting facets of what I am going through psychologically right now is completely unpredictable rage. I woke up with it, took it out on the golf course with me and ruined what otherwise might have been a perfectly good day. You see, I can get away with writing this shit here…

  • Everywhere you go…there you are

    I thought this to be an extremely profound turn of phrase when my good friend Bob Latchaw said it. It was of course tongue and cheek, but underneath is the absolute current of truth. All we have is now. But what if everywhere you go, there you aren’t ? What if you find little pieces…

  • Great Expectations

    I have been looking forward to it for a long time, reading to the kids at the local library. I did a very abridged Cinderella for the wee ones a few months ago and today was secondary school kids, so I went with an abridged version of Gulliver’s Travels. And yes, in the original 1660’s…

  • Now, Count backwards from one hundred…

    And then, the anesthesia wears off and you wake up. They might have taken out your spleen, or maybe you were just in for a tune-up. It is odd how quickly life can change. This of course can include many things: Where you are… what you do for fun… what you do for money… how…

  • Merrily We Roll Along

    I have recently been hospitalized in my own mind from a condition known as Moving Syndrome. This psychiatric condition is caused by packing up all your stuff and loading it in a truck and trailer, followed by lots of driving, unpacking all your worldly possessions and depositing yourself in a brand new place, leaving the…